MetaphysicalGraffiti.net is owned, written and operated by me, Seth Kaufman. I'm a Brooklyn based writer and recovering musician.
I played guitar in a bunch of obscure bands — Mambo-X, The Comedians , The Fancy Shapes. In my 30s, I launched and edited an online music store for a major retailer. There, I sold so many copies of Kenny G records, I should probably be tried at the Hague.
I have written for the New York Times, NY Post and NY Daily News, as well as many major magazines, I write frequently about business and technology for Time Interactive and other websites. I am also the author of four books of fiction and two non-fiction titles.
I think I am one of few people in the world to have written for The New Yorker and the National Enquirer. Or at least I'm one of the few dumb enough to admit it.
I am happy to hear from readers, editors who want to hire me, bands that really kick ass, book groups, Hollywood or rock stars in need of ghostwriters.
I can be reached at skaufman (at) gmail.com.
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